"It all begins on a night when the stars were dancing and moving slowly adorning the night.
One night, a star marveled at the life that was on the planet Earth, decided to release part of its essence and thus gave life to the spirits. Powerful guardians but at the same time they were childish entities.
Instantly they fell in love with the surrounding nature, the work of these spirits is to care for and prosper these natural spaces thus providing a beautiful habitat for animals.
The stars created the seasons of the year endowing them with great power and wisdom to maintain the balance. They call them: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
They had to be careful to have everything ready before winter came, as long as they did not alter the natural cycle of life. The spirits in charge are 4; being specific species representing the fauna of the planet.
Exactly what date they appeared is not known, it is a mystery. However, from time to time the forest is illuminated and offers shades of color and songs of the animals that comfort the soul. We know for sure that the guardians and their sisters the seasons are always present."
Collaborate with the spirits of the forest and prepares the best habitat through the seasons. Work as a team and defend the forest from threats and together bring balance to nature.
Designer: Adrián Luzarreta
Art: Mythical CatRaccoon
-Cooperative / resource managment.
-2-4 Players.
-30 min / 1 hour.

"It all begins on a night when the stars were dancing and moving slowly adorning the night.
One night, a star marveled at the life that was on the planet Earth, decided to release part of its essence and thus gave life to the spirits. Powerful guardians but at the same time they were childish entities.
Instantly they fell in love with the surrounding nature, the work of these spirits is to care for and prosper these natural spaces thus providing a beautiful habitat for animals.
The stars created the seasons of the year endowing them with great power and wisdom to maintain the balance. They call them: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
They had to be careful to have everything ready before winter came, as long as they did not alter the natural cycle of life. The spirits in charge are 4; being specific species representing the fauna of the planet.
Exactly what date they appeared is not known, it is a mystery. However, from time to time the forest is illuminated and offers shades of color and songs of the animals that comfort the soul. We know for sure that the guardians and their sisters the seasons are always present."
Collaborate with the spirits of the forest and prepares the best habitat through the seasons. Work as a team and defend the forest from threats and together bring balance to nature.
Designer: Adrián Luzarreta
Art: Mythical CatRaccoon
-Cooperative / resource managment.
-2-4 Players.
-30 min / 1 hour.

"It all begins on a night when the stars were dancing and moving slowly adorning the night.
One night, a star marveled at the life that was on the planet Earth, decided to release part of its essence and thus gave life to the spirits. Powerful guardians but at the same time they were childish entities.
Instantly they fell in love with the surrounding nature, the work of these spirits is to care for and prosper these natural spaces thus providing a beautiful habitat for animals.
The stars created the seasons of the year endowing them with great power and wisdom to maintain the balance. They call them: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
They had to be careful to have everything ready before winter came, as long as they did not alter the natural cycle of life. The spirits in charge are 4; being specific species representing the fauna of the planet.
Exactly what date they appeared is not known, it is a mystery. However, from time to time the forest is illuminated and offers shades of color and songs of the animals that comfort the soul. We know for sure that the guardians and their sisters the seasons are always present."
Collaborate with the spirits of the forest and prepares the best habitat through the seasons. Work as a team and defend the forest from threats and together bring balance to nature.
Designer: Adrián Luzarreta
Art: Mythical CatRaccoon
-Cooperative / resource managment.
-2-4 Players.
-30 min / 1 hour.



Somos una empresa amigable, mexicana y profesional dedicada al mundo de los juegos de mesa. Desde nuestro inicio como un estudio independiente en 2016, hemos crecido y nos hemos convertido en una editorial reconocida en la industria. Nuestra pasión por los juegos nos impulsa a crear títulos exitosos como Hitodama y ABAN! los cuales han conquistado el corazón de los jugadores.
Nos enorgullece representar a México en el ámbito de los juegos de mesa, ya que somos un estudio ubicado en este hermoso país. Nuestro objetivo es llevar la diversión y la emoción de nuestros juegos a todas las familias mexicanas. Sin embargo, no nos detenemos ahí. Nuestros juegos han traspasado fronteras y han ganado reconocimiento a nivel internacional, lo cual es un testimonio de nuestro esmero y dedicación en cada uno de nuestros diseños.
Ponemos especial atención en crear juegos hermosos, profundos, envolventes y originales. Cada historia que contamos a través de nuestros juegos está cuidadosamente elaborada para brindar experiencias memorables a nuestros jugadores.
os esforzamos por ofrecer calidad y excelencia en cada uno de nuestros productos.
¡Únete a nosotros en esta emocionante aventura de los juegos de mesa! Explora nuestros títulos y descubre las historias internacionales que hemos creado con amor y pasión. ¡La diversión está asegurada con nuestros juegos!
¿Qué representamos?
En nuestro estudio/editorial, la pasión es el motor que impulsa todo lo que hacemos. Creemos firmemente en su poder para enriquecer nuestras vidas y nos esforzamos por transmitir esa pasión en cada uno de nuestros juegos. La pasión nos impulsa a buscar la excelencia en cada aspecto de nuestro trabajo y nos motiva a superar los desafíos que encontramos en el camino. Estamos comprometidos a compartir esta pasión con nuestros jugadores, brindándoles experiencias únicas y emocionantes que los envuelvan por completo.
Formar parte de la comunidad de los juegos de mesa es un privilegio que valoramos enormemente. Reconocemos que los juegos de mesa son una actividad social que une a personas de diferentes edades, culturas y experiencias en torno a una mesa. Nos enorgullece contribuir a esta comunidad y nos esforzamos por crear juegos que sean inclusivos, entretenidos y que fomenten la interacción entre los jugadores. Queremos ser un catalizador para la diversión, la camaradería y los momentos inolvidables compartidos entre amigos y seres queridos alrededor de nuestros juegos.
La inspiración es el latido constante que impulsa nuestra creatividad. Nos sumergimos en mundos de fantasía, exploramos nuevas ideas y desafiamos los límites de lo posible. Creemos que la inspiración puede cambiar vidas y añadir colores vibrantes a nuestra realidad. Nuestro propósito es llevar esa inspiración a nuestros jugadores, transportarlos a emocionantes aventuras y estimular su imaginación. Cada uno de nuestros juegos está diseñado para ser una fuente de inspiración, un escape a nuevos horizontes y un recordatorio de que la magia existe en cada partida.
En resumen, somos un estudio/editorial apasionado que se enorgullece de formar parte de la comunidad de los juegos de mesa. Nuestro trabajo está impulsado por la inspiración y nuestro compromiso es brindar experiencias inolvidables a nuestros jugadores. ¡Únete a nosotros en esta emocionante travesía llena de pasión, comunidad e inspiración!